The list of events shown below were taken to the Board meeting on 12th Dec 2017 and have been given full Board approval and will be effective immediately.
The rationale behind this list of events is to give the National Referee Commission (NRC) the ability to select up to 8 referees for the identified events and to allow these events to be used for development and examination/assessment of candidates currently on programs.
This will also give us more high-quality events to be used to for the purposes of training and up-skilling our current tutor/examiners workforce.
The events affected immediately are as follows: –
- Northern Ireland Open – Level 4 Ranking event – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- Welsh Open – Level 4 Ranking event – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- English Open – Level 4 Ranking event – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- Scottish Open – Level 4 Ranking event – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- National Teams – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- British Schools Championships – 100% NRC selected referees
- British Championship Pre-Cadets/Cadet – 100% NRC selected referees
- British Championship Junior/Senior – 100% NRC selected referee
- British Masters – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- British Minors – NRC will select up to 8 referees
- UK School games – 100% NRC selected referees
Contracted Events Referee Selection Process
The referee invitation process will be managed by the organisers in full relating to the referees:
a) Organiser(s) to forward their preferred list of referees for the applicable event to the NRC Secretary a minimum of 4 calendar months in advance of the event in excel format via email, the list sent is to have 8 vacant spaces for the NRC to complete.
b) The submitted list must meet or exceed the quality and quantity matrix
c) The NRC will return a final list inclusive of reserves in preferential order in case any of the identified referees are unavailable
d) In the case where all reserves are exhausted, the organiser should ask the NRC for more reserves allowing 1 week for response, requests should reach NRC Secretary allowing at least 1 month before the event.
e) The organiser will send a post event summary of all referees who attended and those that declined or didn’t respond to the NRC Secretary, this is to maintain records of invitations and attendances and is expected within 2 weeks of event ending
f) At all national events, mat assessments will take place for all National level referees by appropriately qualified tutors.
Bill Taggart
National Refereeing Commission