Is there an unsung hero who lays down the mats at your club week-after-week? A coach who has gone the extra mile to help you achieve your next grade? A referee or official who turns up to every event you put on or even one person whose enthusiasm and energy makes your judo experience a brilliant one?
Well there is less than a month left to nominate your favourite judo coach, referee, official or exceptional individual for the BJA Volunteer Awards to say a big thank you.
“Each and every one of our volunteers is valuable,” said Terri Elliott, BJA’s Volunteer Development Manager. “There are some particularly exceptional individuals out there who give their time day in, day out to their club. The BJA Awards are a chance for parents, judo students and colleagues to say thank you.”
This year BJA intends to recognise as many volunteers as possible. Our member clubs, county and area groups host competitions most weekends – all of which are run entirely by volunteers who form the lifeblood of these events.
“It is not just about recognising the coaches, referees and officials but also the people who lay the mats and provide the tea and coffee. Everyone has an important role in keeping the clubs going,” Terri added.
Has one of BJA’s volunteers made a difference to your life? If so why not nominate that person at
When filling out the form please provide detailed reasons why this person deserves an award, at least 200 words. A photograph in action would also be bring this to life. Each and every one nominated will get a thank you card. Winners will receive a certificate and award. Email Terri at for more details.
The closing date for nominations is 30 June.