2013 British Championships – Entry Open and Information
The British Judo Online entry system is now accepting entries for the 2013 British Championships for the following
Pre Cadets – players born in years 1999 and 2000
Cadets – players born in years 1996, 1997 and 1998
Junior – players born in years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998.
Senior – please note that entry into the 2013 Senior British Championships is by qualification only; qualification was via the GB Ranking lists. All qualified players will receive a letter of invitation. All senior qualified players must confirm they are entering by completing the British Judo Online Entry System. If you wish to apply for a wildcard into this event please contact events@britishjudo.org.uk.
Event Dates
The Pre Cadet and Cadet events will be held at EIS, Sheffield on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th January 2013. Pre cadet Girls and Cadet Boys will compete on the Saturday and Pre Cadet Boys and Cadet Girls will compete on the Sunday.
The Junior and Senior events will be held at EIS, Sheffield on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th January 2013. Juniors will compete on the Saturday and Seniors on the Sunday.
Entry Process
Pre Cadet, Cadet and Junior
Entry via the online system takes only a couple of minutes to complete and will ensure that your entry is processed correctly and the payment is processed immediately via our secure system, plus providing that eligibility has been verified you will receive an instant entry confirmation via email.
This entry confirmation email is simply confirming that your entry process is complete, it is NOT confirming that the system has checked your license is in date or that you meet the minimum grade requirement – this is still your responsibility.
As proof of British nationality eligibility MUST be provided to enter this event you can upload a copy of your British Passport or British Birth Certificate during the online entry process, or alternatively it can be sent via fax to 0871 266 4749.
Please note: if you have already provided the BJA with proof of your eligibility for the 2009 – 2012 British Championships or the 2010 – 2012 British Trials/Closed, the online system can check this and there will be no requirement for you to resend or upload again.
However, if you submit a paper entry then proof of eligibility must be provided along with the entry form (even if you have submitted this previously) as we are unable to check eligibility documents sent previously for paper entries. If you require a copy of the paper entry form please contact events@britishjudo.org.uk
By using the online entry system it will eliminate the chance of your entry getting lost in the post, arriving after the strict closing date, processing errors of your details and allows a secure payment to be made.
The website address for the online entry system is www.britishjudo.org.uk/enteronline
If you have qualified for this event, to confirm that you will be competing in this event you must complete the online entry system. For you to be able to enter this event you must use your member reference. This will be detailed for you on your invitation letter and on the qualification lists below.
The website address for the online entry system is www.britishjudo.org.uk/enteronline
Closing dates
Pre Cadet and Cadet
All entries for the 2013 Pre Cadet and Cadet British Championships, whether on-line entry or paper entry forms must be received by Monday 17th December 2012 – strictly. 2013 Pre Cadet and Cadet British Championships events are open entry.
Junior and Senior
All entries for the 2013 Junior British Championships, whether on-line entry or paper entry forms must be received by Friday 4th January 2013 – strictly. 2013 Junior British Championships is open entry.
2013 Senior British Championships is by qualification only. Senior qualified players must complete the online entry system and make payment by Friday 4th January 2013 – strictly.
Please find below event information for the 2013 British Championships:
2013 Pre Cadet and Cadet British Championships event entry information
2013 Junior British Championships event entry information
2013 Senior British Championships event entry information
2013 Senior British Championships – Qualification List
UK Anti-Doping – 2013 Junior and Senior British Championships
UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) may conduct drug testing at this event. Therefore any player entering the event may be drug tested, and will need to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) if taking any medication containing banned substances. For further information see the Drug-Free Sport section of the UK Sport website www.uksport.gov.uk, UK Anti-Dopping http://www.ukad.org.uk, or Global Drug Reference Online (Global DRO) www.globaldro.co.uk.
The Doping Consent form must be completed in all cases where the athlete is under the age of eighteen (18) or your entry will not be accepted in to the event.
Please note: if you wish to enter the event online and are under 18, you can complete and upload during the online entry process, download a copy of the consent form and fax it to 0871 266 4749 or return it to British Judo Association.
The UK Anti-Dopping Consent Form for these events can be found below:
2013 Junior British Championships – UKAD Doping Consent Form
2013 Senior British Championships – UKAD Doping Consent Form
For all event enquiries please contact the events team at events@britishjudo.org.uk