Entry List for the 2015 English Open Championships is now available to view. With over 300 entries across Junior and Senior categories, there will be hot competition for the title of English Open Champion at iceSheffield on Sunday 8th March.
Click here to view the entry list >>>
Coaching Passes
Coaches MUST produce a VALID BJA Coach Award card in person in order to be eligible for the following:
- To gain entry free of charge to BJA centrally administered National Events.
- To gain mat side access with their player at a BJA centrally administered National Event (Only one coach per player will be permitted at any one time).
Registration and Weigh-In
Registration & weigh-in will take place on Sunday 8th March at iceSheffield at the following times:
08:00 – 11:00 Test Weigh In
08:00 – 09:00 Official Weigh-in for English Junior Open
10:00 – 11:00 Official Weigh-in for English Senior Open
10:00am Competition Starts
Spectator tickets
Spectator tickets can be purchased on the day only at iceSheffield from the main foyer desk.
Adult day ticket: 10
Concession (under 16s, OAPs, Students with valid NUS card) day ticket: £5