We are excited to let you know that the Youth Sport Trust have created a free webinar especially for parents as part of a series of workshops that they are running from Monday 22 to Thursday 25 February.
They would love it if you were able to join them as they discuss top tips and practical solutions for getting children moving during lockdown and beyond. Here are the details:
Parent/carer Webinar – ACT4
Wednesday 24 February, 6:00pm
How parents and carers can help to turn the tide on inactivity so that children can enjoy the life-changing benefits of daily physical activity.
Fewer than half of young people are averaging the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.
In this session specifically for parents and carers, they will provide top tips on how to support children to maintain a healthy active lifestyle during the lockdown. They will also explore practical solutions that will help you raise awareness of the importance of an active lifestyle.