The contribution from volunteers throughout the judo community has been crucial throughout hugely difficult periods over the last year, with many going above and beyond to help support their clubs and community organisations to ensure that they are ready to re-engage people into physical activity when restrictions ease.
That’s why recognising and supporting those who give their time to enable sport and physical activity to happen has never been more important. To that end, we are joining forces with Sport England and sports organisations across the sector to produce a thank you video which shows our appreciation for the invaluable efforts of volunteers.
The video will be fronted by a well known sports personality and will feature multiple messages of thanks from people who have benefited from the efforts of the volunteers from across a wide range of sports. We would like to invite our members to take part, by contributing a photo/s which shares a message of appreciation for our amazing volunteers.
They are looking for you to to submit photos of you holding “thank you” signs. Please be advised that they will try and use as many photos as they possibly can, but they may not be able to use every photograph we provide them.
If you would like to be part of this fantastic cross-sport video, below you will find some instructions on how to take the photo, as well as an accompanying consent form, which will need to be completed to confirm the image can be used widely across multiple communication channels including YouTube and social media platforms.
We would be grateful if could let us know if this is something you or your club is keen to support.
Please note we would need images to be shared with us by Thursday 11th March.
Please forward any images and consent forms to
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Ben at the above email address.