We are BACK…! It has been an incredible year and once again our Western Area Judo Community has remained strong and positive throughout our year together online.
But finally, the day arrived that allowed us to BOUNCE BACK INTO JUDO.
We worked hard to maintain a safe environment together and retain a meaningful judo experience for everyone to enjoy their return to the tatami, but more importantly a return to seeing their judo friends once again.
This weekend we welcomed 38 judoka representing clubs from Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Dorset and Wiltshire to the lovely sunshine at Kingsley School in Bideford, Devon.
It was fantastic to see so many new faces and many older faces, even though us coaches now appear to be looking up at most of those judoka now!
We split the judoka into groups and held 3 different types of training units, with one group working outside completing our strength and conditioning programme with Francis Sanderson.

Inside we set up 2 dojos where we held a Tachiwaza sessions, with Simon Ward and Charlie Bond, whilst inside the main sports hall we had the Newaza sessions with Eva Minarikova and Matthew Hucker.
Just being together again was unique and such a great feeling delivering in real time rather than Zoom. There were so many smiles and a lot of laughter, exactly what was needed in this truly amazing opportunity to Bounce Back into Judo.
Karen Creasey-Cottle said: “Seriously Simon, you have kept my children’s love for judo alive during lockdown this last year, I’ve loved hearing the laughter & competitiveness coming from the lounge, but the smiles on their faces today is the best.”
Another parent said: “I am particularly happy that I am no longer needed to be the official practice partner for Zoom lessons!”

Thank you so much to everyone for attending and for keeping safe within our Covid BJA Guidelines. Thank you also to our coaching team who made the event extra special for our Judoka. We look forward to continuing to build on this event so watch this space for future Training Dates.
Simon Ward