There were two main reasons Miramar Judo Club applied for the Together Fund: Firstly, to increase their membership and secondly, to create opportunities for people to become more active. With the funding they received, the Club was able to host three beginner courses across a 12-week period for new starters, free of charge, for the participants. The Club was hoping for an uptake of 30 new starters and were delighted when 48 new participants joined the programme. And the good news is, not only did the programme have participants from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and ages, it also saw families sign up to the programme together.
Of the 48 initial participants 20 have continued and joined the Club which means Miramar has nearly doubled in size, which is fantastic news.
Coupled with the Together Fund, Miramar has helped build friendships within the local community, and the Together Fund has also helped secure the financial future for this non-profit Club. With the added revenue the Club has been able to build the foundations for the Club’s future. Springboarded by the funding provided by their Together Fund application, Miramar Judo Club now looks to continue running the program as part of a development program for new coaches.
For Miramar Judo Club, the Together Fund has supported two key pillars within judo; sporting progression, diversity and inclusion.
Key Outcomes:
- Provided the community with more opportunities to become active
- Assisted families in being active together with 7 families in total signing up a collectives
- Encouraged individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures to engage with one another
- Increase in club membership and participation at the club
- Springboarded a growth program for new and developing coaches
Congratulations to Miramar Judo Club on their hugely successful Together Fund project.