Statement: Martial Arts Clubs and Members

Statement from Chairman Ronnie Saez and Chief Executive Andrew Scoular:

British Judo would like to reiterate our stance on Phase 1 of our “Safe Return to Judo”. We have been made aware of a number of related martial arts clubs who may have returned to full contact training.

This is strictly against Government advice and should not be taking place. Full contact martial arts has still not been given the green light to return yet. We are working with Sport England and the DCMS together with other martial arts and combat sports to seek an exemption to the current guidance to allow contact to take place under certain conditions. This would allow our beloved sports to safely return to “normal”.

All British Judo clubs who have re-opened their doors must conform to our guidance. BJA Board  would remind clubs that they have an obligation to stay within the government guidance.

We have also been made aware of significant number of BJA members who have been attending these sessions while judo is unavailable. We would like to remind these members that they could become infected at any stage as a result of this and could further delay a return to Judo when the time comes. We would like to remind these members of their responsibilities for the safety of themselves, their family members, their own club and fellow BJA clubs.

We are in this together and the virus is still very prevalent within society, so until the time comes, please listen to our advice and practice judo safely.

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