Peter Crumpton retires from international refereeing

Peter Crumpton, Rycroft Judo Club, is well known on the British Judo competition circuit, having been a referee for almost 40 years. At the recent Birmingham Junior European Cup, Peter retired from international duties and officiated his last European event.

At the event, Peter was presented a letter of thanks from the EJU President Dr Tóth, by EJU Referee Commissioners Annamaria Fridrich and Metin Ozkan and NRC Refereeing Chair Bill Taggart. It expressed heartfelt gratitude to Peter for his ‘significant commitment and contribution to refereeing in British and European Judo.’

Peter started refereeing in the early 1980’s, Peter stepped onto the international circuit first as a Continental Referee in Birmingham, 1997, then progressed to IJF International in Prague, 2008.

Since then, Peter has had the distinction of refereeing multiple European Championships and Grand Slams (as they are now known).

More recently Peter has been counted upon as setting and maintaining the high standards expected of British referees hopeful to themselves gain IJF qualifications.

Bill Taggart, National Refereeing Commission Chairman said: “British Judo and our referees are immensely grateful to Peter for his dedication and expertise, he can be rightly proud of all his achievements over his refereeing career, and we’re glad we can continue to benefit here in GB for many years to come.”

Peter Crumpton said:

“Although I have to retire from international duties, I will continue to serve British Judo on the mat and conduct examinations and assessments for other referees. I would like to thank all those who have offered me their best wishes.”

British Judo would like to thank Peter for his significant contribution and to mark this significant milestone in his career. We hope to see him on the mat at many more GB events in the future.

Note: International Judo Federation rules require that referees retire from International and Continental duties in the year they turn 65.

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