Over the last year British Judo have been piloting Judo Tots for children 3-4-year-olds.
Given the interest and success of the initial pilot we are pleased to announce that this programme will be available to all clubs who choose to work with this age group.
It is envisaged that Judo Tots will help introduce judo to children aged 3 and 4 in a fun way through play that will help them develop their self-confidence, allow them to master basic movement skills, balance and co-ordination in a safe environment. By introducing judo to children in a way that focuses on learning essential skills that will provide the child with a sense of achievement while developing their physical literacy giving them head start in developing an active lifestyle.
From a signing on process, this can now be done online through The Dojo membership link on the British Judo website and selecting JudoTots as a membership type when signing up.
The Judo Tots licence membership fee is a one off £5.00 membership payment that also covers parent/guardian to work alongside the child where the session allows for this. On turning 5-years the child will be able to join our Judo Kids (Under 8s) membership programme.
What will the child receive for their membership?