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Ares Team Event

High Wycombe Judo Centre Barry Close, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England

  Venue: High Wycombe Judo Club Barry Close, High Wycombe, HP12 4UE   Senior Judo (14+ years on the day)   Teams Male - U60, U66, U73, U81, U90,O90 Female - U63   Start:  Preliminaries - 3pm start of first match Final Block - Hour after last match or 7pm   **CLOSING DATE: SATURDAY 31ST...

U8/ L1 – Bonsai Kyoso Open and Under 8 Festival

Craigswood Sports Centre Livingston, United Kingdom

  Venue: Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston, EH54 5ER   Categories: Age Group: 5,6 & 7 year olds(Must be 5 yrs. Before or on day of the event) - Under 8 Festival Age Group: 8,9 & 10 years old Maximum grade 9th Mon Age Group: 11&12 years old Maximum grade 10th Mon   **CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY...


FULL ENTRY – U8/L1 A1 Judo Club’s U8 Festival and Red/Yellow Belt Competition

East Ham Leisure Centre 324 Barking Road., London

  Venue: East Ham Leisure Centre, 324 Barking Road, London, E6 2RT   Categories:  Group 1: Under 8 Festival Group 2: 8-14 years old (on the day of the competition) - All players will be put in groups of 3 or 4 based on weights, ages and ratings given by coaches  


U8/L1 – HRJC Orange and Under Competition And U8 Festival

Higham and Rushden Judo Club Higham and Rushden - Unit 5, Factory 2, Sanders lodge industrial estate, Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

  Venue: Rushden Athletic Club, 61 Newton Rd, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0HF   Categories:  Group 1: Under 8’s Boys and Girls (5&7 years old only) Group 2: Boys Novice and Red Belts Group 3: Girls Novice and Red Belts Group 4: Boys Yellow and Orange Belts Group 5: Girls Yellow and Orange Belt   **CLOSING...


U8/L1 – Alpha Judo Cub U8 Festival and Red/Yellow Belt Competition

245 Rectory Park Avenue 245 Rectory Park Avenue, Northolt,

  Venue: Community Centre; 245 Rectory Park Avenue, Northolt, UB5 6SD   Categories: Group 1: Under 8 Festival Group 2: Red and Yellow Belt (8-14 years old) All players will be put in groups of 3 or 4 based on weights, ages and grade given by coaches Everyone will receive a medal    


L1 – Witley Judo Club Autumn Bash

Witley Judo Club Chandler Junior School , Middlemarch, Roke Lane, Witley, Surrey, United Kingdom

  Venue: Witley Judo Club, Chandler School, Midlemarch, Roke Lane, Witley, Surrey , GU8 5PB   Categories: The children will be split into groups of usually 4 based on their weight, age and grade. The groups will be as evenly matched as possible.   Timings: In order to reduce congestion in the hall we will...

NHC Level 1 Kata Championships

Pinewood Judo Club Pinewood Leisure Centre Old Wokingham Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, England

Venue: Pinewood Judo Club, Old Wokingham Rd, Wokingham RG40 3AQ Categories: Category A: 8-11 years  Demonstrate sets 2 & 3 of Nage-no-kata,  set 1 of Katame-no-kata Category A: 12-15 Demonstrate sets 1,2 & 3 of Nage-no-kata, sets 1 & 2 of Katame-no-kata,  sets 1& 2 of Ju-no-kata. Category B: Seniors 16+ Demonstrate the entire Nage-no-kata,...


L1 – CUJC Red Belt Rumble

University of Cambridge The University of Cambridge Sports Centre, Philippa Fawcett Dr, Cambridge

Venue: Studio 2, The University of Cambridge Sports Centre, Philippa Fawcett Dr, Cambridge CB3 0AS **CLOSING DATE: MONDAY 20TH JANUARY**

U8/L1 – Portland JC U8 Festival and 8-14 Mini Mon Open

Bluecoat Beechdale Academy Harvey Road, Nottingham

Venue: Bluecoat Beechdale Academy, Harvey Road (via Beechdale Road), Nottingham. NG8 3GP (Sat Nav NG8 3BB) Categories: A: Under 8 Festival (Players aged 6-7 years) B: U15 Novice, Red and Yellow Belts (Players aged 8 -14 years inclusive)  - Where possible competitors will be divided into pools of three, four or five based on gender,...


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