The programme of monthly Masters sessions aimed at readying local judoka for the 2018 Veteran European Championships in June and the British Masters in October continued with a session at Happidojo Methwold led by former World Championship Bronze medallist Steve Gawthorpe.
The Ne-waza guru led a masterclass in the art of the technique before overseeing an excellent randori session. Ably assisted by Danny Kingston (himself a former European Champion) and Dave Horton-Jones, a large contingent of over 50 judoka were put through their paces.
A number of local clubs were represented including the likes of Happidojo, Stowmarket, Ipswich, Norwich Premier, Littleport, Black Dog, Dominic King Judo and MMA Academy, Cambridge University, Melborn and UEA to name just a few. But there were also a number of judoka from outside the area from clubs as widespread as Grimsby, Wokingham and Chelmsford.
A series of technical ne-waza techniques tested the flexibility and fitness of the gathered judoka, before the willing participants were putting the lessons into practise with a session of ne-waza randori. To cap it off, the session concluded with another period of randori, but this time of the standing variety.

The success of the event has shown that there is a demand for sessions such as these, and Happidojo are now planning their event on the 14th July with Euan Burton leading the session, get this date in the diary and keep an eye out for confirmation of the venue and times.
“Many thanks to all that attended and thanks to Dave Horton Jones for helping organise a great day of judo, we were overwhelmed by the response to our masterclass and the feedback his all been very positive! Several players on the day responded by saying we got the format spot on!!” Colin McCallum (Happidojo and organiser)
“From my kids to my wife and myself, all had a fantastic time and learnt plenty.” Gary Mitchell from The Mill JC.
“Huge thanks to the coaches on the day and especially to Colin and Paula McCallum for all the hard work they put in getting the day organised. Great to see so many judoka taking the chance to get together, hugely positive for judo in the Eastern Region” Laurence Kenyon, BJA Regional Development Officer.
There is another session during March, which is being led by Danny Kingston (6th Dan, Former European Champion) that is being promoted as part of the programme;
Eastern Area Training Session – Brecklands Leisure Centre, Thetford
Sunday 25th March 10.00am – 1.00pm