A British Judo Club has paid tribute to a ten-year old girl who died at the weekend in a road traffic collision on the Isle of Man.
Alexis French, a 10 year old judoka was travelling with her family in a vehicle that collided with a bus at around 3.30 pm on Saturday 5 October 2013, according to the BBC website.
Alexis was rushed to Nobles hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Police said her younger brother Adam, another judoka, was under intensive care in a UK hospital while her father was “critical” after being transferred to Walton Hospital in Merseyside.
Her mother was described as in a “stable” condition in Noble’s Hospital.
According to the news source, one person who had been travelling on the bus was being treated for injuries in hospital while five other passengers received medical attention and were later released.
Alexis was a member of the Isle of Man (Ramsey) Club, although she visited all three clubs on the island which come under the ward of the British Judo Association’s North West Area, because she loved the sport so much.
As these clubs come to terms with the tragic loss of a beloved member, they have paid tribute to Alexis, describing her as a “committed, relentless and passionate”.
One of her judo coaches, David Crowe of Ramsay Club, wrote on Facebook:
“I post this with tears in my eyes and a sad heart.
“I was one of Alexis’ judo coaches and I coached her on Wednesday of this week and she was happy and full of life.
“She was a brave fighter and a beautiful soul, with a smile that could stop you in your tracks.”
Her tragic death has hit all of the islands judo coaches and senior members hard.
The Isle of Man (Southern Club) also described their devastation at the news.
“Alexis would enter the dojo with a rei (bow) and a smile. She would keep on smiling until the session ended,” Andrew Lloyd remembered.
“Judo will still shine on in the island, only a little less bright now she has gone.”
The year six Ballaugh school student loved martial arts and was also involved in one of karate clubs on the island.
Members of all three judo clubs and the extended community have left messages of condolence on a photograph posted on the clubs facebook page. Visit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=652743401416492&set=pb.220827577941412.-2207520000.1381135656.&type=3&theater
Words by Donna Richardson.